
Yogi Thoughts and Blogs

Relationships aren’t easy. Throw in adult life, some kids, careers, a mortgage and relationships get even harder. It’s not our fault, the world we live in is nonstop. You can stay connected to work 24/7 with phones and emails. There are 25 after school sports and your kids need to do them all. There’s late…


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Try a few slow rounds of Cat-Cow when you wake in the morning, or after sitting for a long period. calms the mind and relieves stress – you may notice yourself walking taller throughout the day!


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Find the freedom in Garudasana to sore like an eagle with precision vision and sustained attention and enjoy the possibilities as you glide through your day.


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When the rigidity in life is holding you back, drop into your yogi squat and allow the lubrication of this position to release you forward.


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Warrior A empowers you to open up and become brave and virtuous; so step onto your mat to do battle with the universal enemy of self.


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Have you started to notice how great you feel in your yoga practice?  Do you actually feel healthier from rolling out your mat?  You aren’t wrong.  Hand in hand with yoga, is Ayurveda.  You may have heard of this, often labelled an “alternative medicine”, which like yoga, has its roots deep in India. But what…


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Eka Pada Rajakapotasana – One-Legged King Pigeon Pose (aa-KAH pah-DAH rah-JAH-cop-poh-TAHS- uh-nuh) eka = one pada = foot or leg raja = king kapota = pigeon or dove Pigeon is a pose that most of us love to fold into towards the end of a class; breathing deeply with the choice of this more restorative…


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Have you ever noticed the hand and finger gestures your teacher is using in their poses?  These are little added elements of the practice that we are going to explore today.  They are called mudras and are a symbolic gesture, with roots in Hinduism and Buddhism.  The word mudras, is a Sanskrit word, meaning seal…


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Do you want to become fearless whilst you dance? Open your heart to possibilities through Natarajasana as you cultivate strength and focus, find your deepest back bend on one leg and let go of any self-limiting awareness. Pure bliss.


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You’ve heard of karma, but have you heard of dharma?  These Hindu principles have to do with how we live our lives and the impact we have on others.  It’s about being mindful of your surroundings now but also for the future to come.  In the everyday world, the term karma is often misused.  Wishing…


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