
Mindfulness + Meditation with Sally

Hello and welcome

I am so glad you are here and have joined me on this 10 Day Mindfulness and Meditation Journey.

We start our first LIVE session on Sunday 21 June 2020 at 8.00am (AEST) in our Private Facebook Group. If you can’t make it to the LIVE sessions we will be providing a replay link by email for you and you can also view in the Facebook Group.

This will be our private group container for the 10 days, where we will meet each morning for our live sessions and be able to tune in anytime to share insights, ask questions and receive support. If you haven’t already joined, click the button below. 

In addition to the LIVE sessions you will receive a daily email of support and encouragement as we work our way through the meditations.

If you scroll down you will see the 10 pre-recorded Meditations for you to take part in each day. 

How the course works: 

1. Tune into the live session in our private group first (in the morning is recommended)

2. Practice the pre-recorded meditation for that day listed below second (later in the day/evening when suits you)

3. Allow integration and reflections to naturally happen throughout your day

4. You have the option to share any questions/reflections/realisations in the group, and I will offer insights and/or support on in the following live session 

I can’t wait to see you LIVE on Sunday morning at 8.00am and I look forward to sharing this online space with you.

Sally x

A bit more about me…

I have always had a passion for exploring inner-space and really getting to know ourselves. As a child I remember having a thirst for the profound peace and spirit I would discover through dance, yoga, meditation and being in nature. Since I could walk, I have wholeheartedly invested in embodied expression, from dance to yoga, to circus and healing arts.

I am intrigued by the experiential anatomy of our bodies and timeless yogic concepts.  My classes will guide you on a poetic journey with your breath, body and heart. My yoga practice is a dance that invites fluidity and aliveness to the body, mind and spirit. A dance that guides us back home to our true and natural state of being.


Pre-recorded Meditations

To be completed in your own timing, 1 by 1 each day, after you’ve tuned into the live session.

Length: 11 mins 47 secs

What is meditation? Cultivating awareness through breath, sensation and intention.

Length: 11 mins 08 secs

Understanding what awareness is, and using the technique of body scanning to focus our intention.

Length: 11 mins 04 secs

Noting the relationship between our feelings and our thoughts.

Length: 13 mins 20 secs

The power in pausing.

Length: 13 mins 20 secs

The inside practice of mental hygiene and how it ripples back outward into life.

Length: 13 mins 40 secs

Mastering the mind so that it may serve us in operating from a more connected and unified state of being.

Length: 11 mins 29 secs

The art of deep listening and making choices about which inner narrative we feed with our attention.

Length: 11 mins 36 secs

Cultivating and nurturing a positive internal environment.

Length: 13 mins 44 secs

Gaining insight of our default mind through practice, and fully becoming who we yearn to be.

Length: 11 mins

Building the habit of regular practice, and continuing to tone the muscle of mindfulness in daily living.

Course Videos

Meditations 1 – 10